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Remote Learning

Remote Learning Curriculum Design – A Blended Learning Approach 

Statement of intent  

At Bedford Hall Methodist Primary School, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote working – whether for an individual pupil or many. The school vision ‘Learn, Love, Live: Without Limits’ is interwoven within our curriculum intent and design. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed. 

Through the implementation of this policy, we aim to: 

 Minimise the disruption to pupils’ education and the delivery of the curriculum.

 Teach a planned and well-sequenced curriculum so that knowledge and skills are built incrementally, with a good level of clarity about what is intended to be taught and practised in each subject so that pupils can progress through the school’s curriculum.

 Align remote education to the planned school curriculum and link to our curriculum drivers of ‘culture, possibilities and diversity.’

 Use digital platforms consistently across the school in order to allow for high quality teaching and learning interactions, assessment and feedback.

 Set work on the learning platforms Class Dojo and Purple Mash (Year 1 to Year 6) and Tapestry (Nursery and Reception) and provide feedback to children around their learning and next steps.

 Set meaningful and ambitious tasks and activities so that pupils have work each day in a number of different subjects which reflects the curriculum sequence which would be taught in school.

 Ensure provision is in place so that all pupils have access to high quality learning resources both off-line and online including teaching videos.

 Be responsive to children’s learning by adjusting the pace or difficulty of what is being taught in response to questions or assessments of children or feedback from parents.

 Differentiate work to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum that is suitably accessible and challenging to all pupils; especially children with SEND.

 Provide school-owned laptops accompanied by a user agreement or printed resources, such as workbooks, to support learning for pupils who do not have suitable online access – supplemented with other forms of communication to keep pupils on track or answer questions about work.

 Ensure all pupils have the provision they need to complete their work to the best of their ability, and to remain happy, healthy, and supported during periods of remote learning.

 Monitor children’s engagement on a daily basis and remain in regular communication with parents via Class Dojo, Tapestry or telephone.


Blended Learning  

In the event of the need for a group of learners to work from home, activities and resources will be shared on the learning platform Purple Mash (KS1 and KS2) and Tapestry (EYFS) on a weekly basis.  These will be broken down into daily sessions which will replicate, where possible, the timetable followed in school. Printed work packs will be provided for children who are unable to access online resources. (In the event of a full school closure, the work will also be made available on the school’s website). Planning will align to the planned school curriculum and link to our curriculum drivers of ‘culture, possibilities and diversity.’  

To support with teaching and learning, links will be shared within planning to further quality online resources such as IXL, Oxford Owl and TT Rockstars. If online support is not readily accessible, other learning aids will be provided, such as knowledge organisers, posters and prompt sheets.  

One concern about home learning is that activities set by teachers may be predominantly screen-based, given that work is frequently set through the use of education technology. Teachers will ensure lessons aren’t limited to on-screen activities by setting tasks that can be completed away from a device, to offer a balance of activity type. 

Where websites are used, teachers will ensure that these are appropriate and free to use for parents/ children. Teachers will send out logins and passwords where necessary. Staff and pupils will only use their school-registered accounts to access learning platforms. Personal accounts must not be used under any circumstances for the purpose of remote learning. 

Purple Mash 

How can Purple Mash support remote learning? 

Purple Mash’s tools and activities run within a web browser and do not require additional software to be installed. Therefore, they are not device-specific and as long as your child has access to a device that can browse the web, then they should be able to access Purple Mash.  

Purple Mash has features to support remote learning and safe communication. 

Below is a summary of how Purple Mash will support your child’s learning during a period of remote learning: 

  • The teacher will assign tasks for your child to complete at home (called 2dos) 

  • Children will ‘hand in’ tasks when they are ready for their teacher to view. 

  • All work is saved to your child’s account and work cannot, accidentally or otherwise, be saved to another child’s folder. 

  • Children can only access their own work and cannot view or edit the work of peers. 

  • Teachers will give feedback on work completed and dojos will be awarded on completed tasks. 

  • Children can return to previous work to edit and improve after feedback from the teacher, replicating the learning process in school. 

  • Teachers can safely communicate with their class using 2Email (a simulated email system) enabling one-way or two-way communication. 

  • Children and staff can share learning and discussions using 2Blog and the digital Display Boards, which can replicate learning walls in the classroom. 

  • The integrated, creative tools in Purple Mash can be used at home, without the children needing to download or purchase additional software. 

  • Children can build their individual work portfolios for teachers to access. 

Children will be asked to upload completed work on to Purple Mash. Class teachers will provide instructions around this.  Deadlines for work to be uploaded will be shared as work is assigned. Most work will be asked to be uploaded by the end of each day. 

Live Learning 

Live Learning may take place only when deemed necessary and beneficial to enhancing teaching and learning. Live learning can take place in a variety of ways from delivering parts of a lesson (e.g. introducing a new learning concept) or delivering bespoke interventions to a group of children. Live learning will typically last around 15 minutes per session and an adult must be present and visible on the screen with the child. More information on the use of this can be found in our Pupil Remote Learning Policy which can be found on the school’s website. If Live Learning takes place, school will use Microsoft Education as a platform for this. Parental /carer consent is required to use Microsoft Education. Parents/carers and children must both sign and agree to follow the ‘Acceptable Usage Agreement for Live Learning and Conduct.’ (Appendix 2 of Pupil Remote Learning Policy). Without this consent and agreement, children will not be able to take part in any live lessons or teacher/ pupil check-ins.  

It is important children, parents and staff follow the Online Safety rules stated in the ‘Pupil Remote Learning Policy’. Any Safeguarding concerns must be shared with school straight away in line with the policy. 

Coverage of learning 

Planning for blended learning will align with the projected delivery of the school curriculum to provide consistency and progression.  This ensures children are given the best opportunity to reconnect to the curriculum when on-site learning recommences.  A weekly timetable, with suggested timings will be uploaded on to Purple Mash / Tapestry. 


KS1 & KS2 

  • 4 x English lessons following a theme.  Use of a stimulus to engage the children followed by learning around word and sentence level work.  One piece of extended writing will be set each week, which is linked to the stimulus. 

  • Daily reading 

  • One reading comprehension per week. 

  • Spelling and phonics – At least one task per week focusing on key spelling patterns 

  • Daily Maths lessons, following the White Rose Scheme of Learning, which align with the method of delivery used in school.  Learners will be able to build upon previous learning and develop a deeper understanding through practising fluency skills, reasoning and problem solving.  

  • Daily number facts/key skills practice 

  • Wider curriculum – daily sessions on a theme taught within the curriculum year group. This may be a pre-recorded lesson on Science, History, Art or RE followed by a task, or a knowledge organiser/resource sheet/powerpoint followed by a task.  The subject being explored will change daily to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum. . 

  • Physical exercise. 

Children will be expected to complete work set daily between 9am and 3.15pm. We do not expect children to complete activities outside of these hours. It is also important children take regular breaks in the morning, afternoon and at lunchtime where they will not be directed. 


The children in Nursery and Reception will be set some weekly fun activities to do, centred around the Development Matters Framework. These activities will be presented in a grid format (2 Year Old Nursery) and a weekly timetable for Pre-School and Reception. These will be available on Tapestry.  These will include: 

  • Listening to stories recorded by our EYFS staff. 

  • Fine motor / handwriting practice activities.  

  • Daily Reading on Oxford Owl (Reception). 

  • Daily White Rose Maths activities. 

  • Challenge activities – such as a shape hunt, making minibeasts, masks etc…. 

  • Topic based activities linked to subjects such as science, history, geography, PSHE etc 

  • Daily physical exercise – such as joining in with Joe Wicks PE coach on You Tube, going for a walk or trying some yoga. 

  • Phonics activities – practise letter sounds and high-frequency words.  

  • Number activities – number hunts, chants, songs and rhymes. 

We encourage parents to upload evidence of children’s learning onto our online assessment and observational tool - Tapestry. EYFS staff give daily feedback, during working hours, to any uploads.  


Communication between home and school is key for effective blended learning to take place.  During the period of blended learning, the school will maintain regular contact with parents and carers to: 

  • Check the well-being of their child and how well they are able to access the activities provided to ensure appropriate support is in place. 

  • Reinforce the importance of their child staying safe online and direct parents/carers to useful resources to help them keep their children safe online. 

  • Ensure parents are aware of what their child is being asked to do, e.g. sites they have been asked to use and staff they will interact with.  

  • Encourage them to set age-appropriate parental controls on devices and internet filters to block malicious websites. 

The Learning Platform, Purple Mash will be used as the main form of communication during a period of remote learning for Year 1 to Year 6. Teachers will upload activities for children to complete and provide feedback and next steps, as necessary. Children can also comment about the work and aspects which they enjoyed or were challenged by. Teachers will set differentiated activities, where appropriate, to ensure the needs of all learners are met. 

For wider communication between teachers and parent and carers, Class Dojo will be used. Teachers will respond to any communications within the working day. 

In EYFS, Tapestry will continue to be the main form of communication. 

Any important whole school changes will be communicated via Parentmail, Class Dojo, Tapestry and the school website. 


A full copy of the Pupil Remote Learning Policy can be found in the policies section on the website.

This is a working policy which is under regular review.