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Previous PE and Sport Premium Spend

Our vision is one where all our pupils 'Live without Limits' and to do this, children must lead full and healthy lifestyles.  The documents below show the impact our school has had on individual children and cohorts, and in some instances their families too. 

We continue to strive to provide a wide range of activities, both during the day and after school, which promote engagement, physical and mental health awareness, overall fitness and positive behaviours for learning.  The Spirit of the Games (determination, self-belief, passion, teamwork, honesty and respect) are woven into all PESSPA lessons and used as a catalyst for success for all children, of all ages and abilities. 

The PE and Sport Premium enables us to subsidise outdoor and adventurous activities and residential stays.  Through participating in these new experiences, pupils improve their resilience, self-confidence and communication skills. A growth mindset and belief in the power of yet (I can’t do this ‘yet’) is transferred across the curriculum as pupils learn to challenge themselves in difficult situations. 

Our dedication to PE and School Sport is recognised by our GOLD Active Mark for 2021-22 and 2022-23.