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Current Pupil Premium Strategy

As in previous years, Bedford Hall Methodist Primary School will continue to use the pupil premium to improve the progress and attainment of our disadvantaged pupils. The disproportionately high impact of COVID-19 on the education of disadvantaged pupils makes this more important than ever.

For the academic year 2024-2025, we will:

  • use our recovery premium alongside our pupil premium funding and report on the use of them as a single sum in our strategy statement
  • publish our strategy statement by 31 December 2024 
  • demonstrate how our spending decisions are informed by a range of evidence

Rest assured, our disadvantaged pupils will receive the support they need during the autumn term.  Some of the ways we will support these children are: 

  • Additional opportunities to read to adults in school
  • Targeted support throughout and beyond the school day in phonics, reading and maths
  • Subsidy of trips and visitors to broaden life experiences and gain a sense of awe and wonder
  • A wide range of clubs and enhancements to enable children to develop and strengthen talents and interests
  • Interventions, nurture groups, friendship circles and 1:1 counselling to support mental health and wellbeing
  • Family support from our pastoral and attendance team.