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Local Advisory Board

Our Governors play a key role in the leadership and management of the school, holding us to account for standards. They are a very pro-active Advisory Board and support and challenge the school in many ways.

Our Chair of governors is Mr Kevin Meredith who can be contacted as per below:

Mr Kevin Meredith
Chair of Governors
c/o Bedford Hall Methodist Primary School,
Breaston Ave

Governor roles change each year and align with the priorities on the School Development Plan to ensure the robust procedure in strategic thinking, support and challenge.


Name Type  Role
Mrs Lisa Draper Staff Headteacher
Mr Kevin Meredith Foundation Chair / Safeguarding / Curriculum
Mrs Suzanne Pierce Foundation Vice-Chair / Early Years, English, SEND/Pupil Premium
Mrs Alison Williams - Dando Parent Ethos/English
Mrs Vanessa Matthews Parent Early Years/Ethos
Mr Nick Fletcher Community Curriculum / Safeguarding
Mrs Vicky Hailwood Staff (Teacher EYFS) Health and Safety
Mrs Lisa Doyley Staff  Sports Premium
Mrs Jacquie Evans  Community  Ethos


Our school is part of Epworth Education Trust. Please click below for information on the Members and Trustee's remit and structure.

Governance within Epworth Education Trust