Mental and Physical Health and Wellbeing
The School Games Mark is a government-led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We are proud to hold the 'Gold Active Mark' for 2022.
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We are very pleased to have achieved the 'Teach Well Gold Award' in July 2020. The award is provided to schools who have taken exceptional care of the physical and mental wellbeing of their staff through the COVID 19 pandemic.
Bedford Hall Methodist is part of Greater Manchester Mentally Healthy Schools Programme.
Our Mental Health Pledge
As a School we will:
- Champion whole school approaches to sustainably build a mentally healthy school community.
- Emphasise the importance of staff wellbeing as a prerequisite for the wellbeing of the children they teach and support
- Highlight the connections between nutrition, physical, emotional and mental health
- Train our staff in mental health awareness so they can better support children in our school
- Engage parents in conversations about children’s mental health to foster support at home
- Seek and share good practice from other schools
- Actively promote role of Mental Health Ambassadors /Champions within our school
- work with Youth Sport Trust and other organisations to promote children and young people’s mental wellbeing through physical activity and active lifestyle choices
- promote in-school support for children with mild and moderate mental health needs
- regularly review staff workload and working hours, ensuring routine working practices are emotionally friendly and compatible with family life
- train our staff in mental health awareness and support honest conversations about mental health in our workplace community
- have clear signposting to further help and resources for those who may need it
Mental Health Ambassadors:
A Young Mental Health Ambassador (Champion) is a young person with an interest in their own health and wellbeing who wants to help peers in making healthy lifestyle choices that affect mental health. They act as an ambassador and mentor, providing important health information and advice, and help to affect real and lasting change in their school. Our Mental Health Ambassadors have developed their knowledge and understanding of key physical, social and mental health issues affecting them today through working with an athlete mentor.
At Bedford Hall we have 5 students in Year 6 who have received training from an athlete mentor to enable them to carry out this role in our school.
The Mental Health Ambassadors now run a Personal Best Station at lunchtime after feedback from their 'Feel Good' campaign.
Our PESSPA curriculum offers to deliver both physical and emotional outcomes for our pupils. Through our curriculum we aim to deliver life skills and positive feelings of wellbeing through the curriculum. Each week a Spirit of the Games Award is presented to a child who demonstrates one of the following skills: Teamwork, Passion, Self-Belief, Determination, Honesty, Respect.
Please find attachment below for a parent/carer guide on Mental Health by the Mental Health Foundation and some top tips!
Child Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents
Parents' Mental Health & Wellbeing - 10 Top Tips for Parents