School Uniform
School Uniform
The school has a dress code that helps identify everyone as part of our school team and encourages pride in the school. All the major items of dress can be purchased from local supermarkets.
Parents can purchase required jumpers, cardigans and ties from local school uniform providers - Rosenfields or Rainbows. We also have many of these items in stock on our pre-loved uniform stall in school.
Please note that one day per week, children will wear PESSPA Uniform to school.
In the summer term (after the Easter holidays) children can wear a green gingham summer dress.
In addition to smart dress, our expectations for all pupils are:
- Hair must be tied back. Hair accessories must be school colours (no oversized accessories)
- No extreme haircuts (no tramlines), colours or use of hair gel
- Permitted jewellery includes a wrist watch (not smart watches) and plain single studs in ears, which must be taken out independently for P.E. and Sport.
- A green, satchel-type book bag (logo optional) from Reception - Year 6
Please ensure that all items of clothing (including ties) are marked with your child’s name.
Remember, we have a selection of pre-loved uniform available to purchase in school