Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)
In our Nursery and Reception classes, we assess children’s development all the time through observation of play and other activities. When we think a child might not be making the progress expected or need extra support to access the curriculum; we contact a child’s parent or carer to find out if they have any concerns and what can be done together to help the child make better progress. Parents or carers are also encouraged to inform staff of any Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or concerns that may impact on the child’s learning and development.
Following discussions with a child’s parent/carer and wider outside agencies (if applicable) a child may be added to the schools SEND register as either Low Level Need (LLN) or High Level Need (HLN). Your child’s teacher will develop a pupil profile and an Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) support plan to support wider staff in meeting the child’s needs and track progress through personalised targets. These documents will be reviewed at regular intervals throughout the academic year with your child’s teacher and the school inclusion manager if required.
After monitoring the child’s progress and discussions with a child’s parent/carer nursery staff may refer to wider outside agencies and then after this point the child may be referred further to the Early Years Quality and Inclusion Team, who provide support and strategies to integrate into practice based on the needs of individual children to support them to thrive in their setting. If applicable for children who are transitioning into Reception class teachers may complete an Early Years Additional Resources (EYAR) application which enables the Local Authority (LA) to establish if additional support is to be put into place to support transition into reception.
Children who have additional needs that do not attend our Nursery setting will have a full induction programme, including staff visiting the child’s Nursery. All children have the opportunity to visit the Reception class in the Summer term. Other relevant documentation from wider professional (eg. Speech and language therapists, paediatricians etc) will be taken into consideration to aid a smooth transition into our reception setting.
Please see the document below for additional information on SEND