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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4's Class Page


Class Teacher: Miss Hewitt

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Whittle


Thank you for visiting the Year 4 class page.  We hope you find the information below useful.

In Maths, children will become fluent in their times tables up to 12x12 and this will be done through regular practise, TT Rockstars and daily FIF (fluent in five).  Maths will also include fractions, decimals and learning to convert the time from 12 to 24 hour clock and back again.

In English, children will be learning more in-depth grammatical skills such as fronted adverbials, a range of co-ordinating and subordinating conjunctions.


PESSPA for Year 4 is on THURSDAY and PE kits should be worn on this day.


All stationery will be provided by school.  Children do not need to bring any pens or pencils into school but may bring a pencil case to keep in their trays if they wish.


Homework will be reading, handwriting and times tables set each Friday and is expected to be returned by the following Thursday.


If you have any queries or questions please contact us through Class Dojo. Please check regularly for any updates on the Class Page.


Follow our class on Twitter @Year4Bedford