Year 6
Welcome to Year 6's Class Page
Class Teacher: Mr Collins
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Gregson, Miss Connor
HLTA: Miss Heaton (Wednesdays)
In Year 6 we have a thirst for new knowledge and love to perfect our skills. We have high expectations of our own behaviour and attitudes and enjoy being positive role models to the rest of the school. Year 6 is fun-filled and action-packed - in and outside the classroom. We all take on extra roles and responsibilities in school, which we are democratically elected for. These additional roles support our wellbeing and personal development, linking to our curriculum driver: ‘Possibilities’.
Important Information:
Things we need every day:
· Reading book and planner
· Water bottle
· Pumps or trainers for PESSPA (these can remain in school in our locker)
The main PESSPA session is on MONDAY - PE kits need to be worn on this day.
On Mondays children get their new spellings for the week. Part of their homework is to learn them throughout the week ready for a spelling test on Friday. Written spelling/handwriting homework is also set on Fridays and this needs to be brought back by the following Thursday. Maths homework will be set weekly on Times Tables Rockstars or Purple Mash (please contact Mr Collins for login details).
Everyone has their own reading day, so it is especially important that reading books and planners are brought into school on this day. Class staff can be contacted on Class Dojo if anyone needs to know their reading day.
As part of the homework, pupils are expected to read at least four times per week at home. In Year 6, children can read independently if they are confident readers. We just ask that an adult signs their planner so that the teachers can see that reading is taking place.
For class news and updates or to contact the Year 6 team, please use Class Dojo.